Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Faith connection

Faith connection

Q In his book, What the Bible Says about Health Living, Rex Russel makes the statement that all diet and health issues can be resolved if we followed a biblical approach to eating. He lists three simple principles to follow: 1). Eat only substances created for food (primarily a vegetable and fruit based diet), 2) Eat foods as they were created (all natural; no additives/preservatives), 3) Don’t let food become your god (gluttony; idolizing types of foods). Based on your understanding of the bible, what does it say about eating and how are biblical principals of eating apply to us today? Is there anything wrong with following Rex Russel's three principles? Explain.

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A fruit and vegetable based diet plays a very important role in our life. They contain substantial amount of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. These nutrients are required for more or less optimal physiological functions such as digestion, cardiac and respiratory function, cell signalling, molecular regulation of cellular mechanisms, nerve function etc. Although I am not much of an erudite regarding Bible, I believe that these bible-based principles are scientific. However, along with fruits and vegetables, we must consume proteins, essential fatty acids, a healthy amount of carbohydrate.